About Us
There’s nothing more valuable than having a loving partner, to witness your life’s journey.
Our Story
When Bob and I met, he was living in California, a confirmed bachelor, hanging out on the beach, folk dancing, enjoying his single life and working as a therapist.
I was living in New Jersey, looking for a “nice guy” who wanted marriage and a family, and working with kids at risk of going into foster care.
Bob was anything but traditional, having been involved with Primal Scream Therapy and A Course in Miracles.
I was super traditional, having been trained in psychodynamic therapy and working with teachers from a NY psychoanalytic institute.
We met when Bob came to New Jersey to visit his family. He wanted to date long-distance. I thought that was ridiculous. How impractical.
Nine months later, Bob came to visit his family again and we spent more time together. He had been in psychodynamic therapy and was having a mid-life crisis. He realized if he never settled down, he would miss having a family of his own.
Despite my apprehension, I agreed to date long-distance. We spoke every night. Every six weeks one of us flew to the other coast. Eight months later, Bob agreed to move to New Jersey and move in. He kept his apartment in California in case things didn’t work out.
Here we are 30+ years later, married with two adult kids, working as a team with couples in therapy on building relationships. I told Bob it’s time to give up his apartment in California. :)
We’ve had our highs and lows like every couple and have learned “what makes marriage work.” We practice what we teach our couples.
In Practice
We love the work we do. Seeing individuals and couples strengthen their communication, change the way they have conflict, listen and validate each other, and build connection is very meaningful to us and adds purpose to our lives.
Some people see one of us. Some see both of us together. Some have an initial session with both of us and pick one of us to continue. We respect whatever is most helpful to you.
In therapy, people describe us as down-to-earth, genuine, warm, inspirational, non-judgmental, and balanced. We understand how difficult it is to change relationship habits, and we support you when you get stuck.
When times are good, most relationships thrive. The “true test” of a relationship is what happens when times are difficult.
Having a deeply connected relationship takes courage, the willingness to be vulnerable, patience, and perseverance at times when you and/or your partner are down. It means having tough conversations without blame and shame, without needing to be right.
We provide hope when you fear the worst. If both partners are committed to doing “whatever it takes” and put their partner and their marriage first, we have the tools, information, skills, and safe space to help your marriage or relationship thrive.
Psychotherapy Networker Conference - 2019
Experts We Learn From and Love
No matter your profession, training and learning ends. We specialize in working on marriage and relationships and train with the most world-renowned experts in our field including:
Drs. John and Julie Gottman - World renowned researchers and experts on marriage and what causes divorce / Founder of The Gottman Institute and The Gottman Method
Best-Selling Author of The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work
Dr. Sue Johnson - Leading innovator on Couples Therapy / Researcher, Professor / Founder of Emotionally Focused Couple Therapy
Best-Selling author of Hold Me Tight: Seven Conversations for a Lifetime of Love
Esther Perel, LMFT - World renowned expert on sex and Erotic Intelligence / Belgian Psychotherapist
Best-Selling Author of The State of Affairs: Rethinking Infidelity & Mating in Captivity
Dr. Emily Nagoski - Sex expert, Director of Wellness Education at Smith College
Best-selling author of Come As You Are: The Surprising New Science That Will Transform Your Sex Life
Dr. Joe Kort - Board Certified Sexologist and Founder of The Center for Relationship and Sexual Health
Author of LGBTQ Clients in Therapy and Is My Husband Gay, Straight or Bi?
Terry Real, LICSW - Nationally recognized family therapist / Founder of Relational Life Institute
Best-Selling author of The New Rules of Marriage: What You Need to Know to Make Love Work
Dr. Tammy Nelson - Nationally recognized sex and relationship expert
Best-Selling author of Open Monogamy: Co Creating Your Ideal Relationship Agreement & When You’re the One Who Cheats
Dr. Richard Schwartz - Systemic Family Therapist / Founder of Internal Family Systems - Fastest growing therapeutic approach today
Best-Selling author of Greater Than the Sum of Our Parts: Discovering Your True Self Through Internal Family Systems Therapy & No Bad Parts: Healing Trauma and Restoring Wholeness with the IFS Model
Melissa Orlov - Leading Expert in the effect of ADHD on Marriage / Founder of ADHDMarriage.com
Author of The Couples Guide to Thriving with ADHD and The ADHD Effect on Marriage
Michele Weiner-Davis, LCSW - Leading relationship expert / Therapist
Best-Selling author of The Sex Starved Marriage, and Healing from Infidelity: The Divorce Busting® Guide to Rebuilding Your Marriage After An Affair
Dr. Harriet Lerner - Expert on psychology of women
Best-Selling author of The Dance of Anger: A Woman’s Guide to Changing the Patterns of Intimate Relationships
Dr. Bessel Van Der Kolk - World’s leading expert on treatment of trauma
Best-Selling author of The Body Keeps the Score, Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma
David Kessler - World’s foremost expert on death, dying, healing and loss / Protégé of Elisabeth Kubler-Ros
Best-Selling author of Finding Meaning: The Sixth Stage of Grief
Dr. Brene Brown - American Research Professor / Expert on courage, vulnerability, shame, empathy and leadership
Best-Selling author of Daring Greatly: How the Courage to Be Vulnerable Transforms the Way We Live, Love, Parent and Lead