Our Services
Individual & Couples Therapy
Work with one of us.
We start where you are. We can work with you individually or together with a partner.
Often individuals and couples come to therapy in distress after a betrayal or crisis in their marriage or relationship. Other times people reach out to build better communication skills, learn how to have difficult conversations and work on managing their differences.
Some people are hopeful and ready to “do the work”. Others are uncertain and wonder if it’s “too late”. At those times we hold hope for couples.
Wherever you are, we help you determine your goals.
Couple to Couple® Coaching
Work with both of us.
Our specialty is working together with couples as a team. How is it different than working with one of us?
With two therapists you get twice the support and a collaborative experience where we use our relationship to support and grow yours.
We show you how to build connection and heal pain.
Why work with both of us? Find out more.
Premarital Counseling
Work with one or both of us.
For couples who are ready to commit to marriage or a long-term relationship, we offer pre-martial counseling.
Couples come in to ensure they start off on the right track, especially if they lacked healthy relationship role models. Others have experienced divorce and want re-marriage to be successful. Some want guidance on blending families.
Forty plus years of research on marriage shows what leads to divorce and what makes marriage last. We know the research and work with couples to stay together for a lifetime.