10 Ideas to Get Your “Spring Sexy” Going

No more hibernating. Winter's gone. It's time to get your "spring sexy" going.When it comes to seasonal romance, Bob and I have different visions. He loves winter - being snowed in; drinking hot chocolate; snuggling up on the couch; having a lazy, cozy, cuddly day to lounge around the house.In my mind, snow days are anything but sexy. I feel chilled to the bone; can’t warm up no matter how many sweaters I wear or how much hot chocolate I drink. They’re days to do projects around the house that otherwise never get done. Cuddling means footie pajamas under five layers of blankets and nothing more.My vision of romance is spring - feeling warm; enjoying the sun; putting away all the bulky clothes; opening the windows; playing outside; drinking ice tea; cuddling on a picnic blanket in a park.20239261_sAccording to sexual health expert Dr. Jennifer Berman, people feel sexier when it’s warm out. In Self Magazine, "Spring Fever Is Here! Why Warmer Weather Gets Us 'In the Mood'," she says:

"As the weather gets warmer, we shed layers of clothes, we work out more, we’re more conscious of our bodies and we’re out in the sun and in the heat. That all increases blood flow to our brains, our bodies and our genitals, and it elevates our moods and endorphins, so there really is a reason behind spring fever. And it’s actually about anthropology: The shift in temperature changes our hormones and our circadian rhythms and really makes it a mating season."

Here are our top 10 romantic ideas about how to take advantage of your "Spring Sexy" feelings this season:1) Plan a night once a week to sit outside, enjoy wine and cheese, and take stock of what you love and appreciate about each other.2) Go walking or hiking in a park and be mindful of your surroundings together. Do a couple's meditation and be present.3) Go swimming together without the kids and play in the water.4) Enjoy one of the free summer music events or festivals outdoors, listen to music and dance like no one's watching.5) Wear clothes that make you feel sexy. Dress the part. Put on those heels.6) Have a relaxing, romantic dinner at a restaurant with outdoor seating and pretend it's your first date.7) Set the stage for an evening of romance. Buy sexy lingerie. Put on sexy music, light aromatherapy candles. Send each other sexy texts during the day about what you want to do that evening.8) Be sexy. Dance together at home. Read a sexy book to each other. Use oils or lotions and give each other sensuous back rugs.9) Embrace your body. Figure out what makes your body feel sensual and do that. Sexy is in your head. It comes from within you.10) Go to a bed and breakfast for a night or two and get away.Don't stop here. Share this with your partner, make a bucket list of all the romantic activities you would like to do this spring and summer. Then actually schedule them on your calendar. Or keep the list posted and pick one each week.Here’s to your Spring Sexy,Lori and BobImage Copyright Aliaksei Smalenski


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