11 Hot Dates to Recharge the Romance

photo recharge the romance couple having fun together

Dating is not just for courtship. If couples want their relationship to last, they must continue pursuing each other during marriage. Continuing to date is fun, and keeps it interesting, vibrant and fresh.Yet so often we stop attending to the relationship; we forget to have fun; we’re too busy; we prioritize work and kids. Courting falls to the back. When partners take each other for granted, relationships are much more likely to fade; romance and attraction die.

"Continuing to date" is one of the keys to a successful lifetime marriage.It nurtures connection; it signifies the importance of the bond;it differentiates the couple relationship from the family;it reminds us that our ‘couplehood’ is precious.

As we move into spring and summer, there are so many opportunities to have fun together. Here are 11 hot dates to recharge the romance that will bring life and joy back to your relationship. Bob and I do all of them.1. Outdoor ConcertsThere are many venues with music and bands outdoors – jazz, country, hip-hop, bluegrass, swing. There’s something for everyone. We love going to hear great music, relaxing and sitting on a blanket, enjoying being out in nature, especially at night after the sun goes down.2. PicnicsGrab a cooler and blanket; prepare a meal in advance or just some wine and cheese. Sometimes we make it easy and do Subway. Find a nice location in the shade and enjoy. We often reminisce or talk about plans for our future. Nature provides a retreat from the world.3. HikingWe’ve hiked in state parks and a few of the national parks. My favorite has always been Yosemite. There is nothing quite as soothing as being in nature. I keep hearing this year the ticks are especially bad, so make sure you cover up and wear your tick spray.4. Rock ClimbingI’m not talking about climbing mountains; I’m thinking of the times we went stream walking and had to climb rocks. It was a lot of fun and good exercise too. In Yosemite National Park, we climbed up Bridalveil Falls. The view from the top was breathtaking; something I’ll never forget.5. Boating - Kayaks, Canoes, Paddleboats, White Water RaftingBeing on the water is a blast. White water rafting is my favorite - up to Class III (out of V). We haven’t fallen out of the raft yet. If you are less adventurous, paddleboats are fun too.6. Road TripsDid you ever get in the car and just ride? There are likely many places within an hour of where you live that you have not explored before. We discovered that when our kids were young and we wanted to go on short trips. We put a circle on the map (remember maps?) within an hour of where we lived and visited many interesting places.7. Bike RidingBike trails make it easy to go riding. You don’t have to worry about traffic and the ones we’ve found don’t have hills. A leisurely ride on a trail in the countryside is refreshing. Years ago, we rode about 15 miles from Maryland to Pennsylvania. Thank goodness the ride back was slightly downhill.8. Fairs and FestivalsSummertime is full of fairs and festivals – ethnic ones, the state fair. Forget the diet, eat some funnel cake, play some carnival games and flash back to your childhood memories, or times you took your children. My kids will tell you I was the “whack-a-mole” queen and won some large stuffed animals for them.9. Baseball GamesTake yourselves out to the ballgame. Grab a hot dog and root for your team. It’s relaxing and a great escape for a few hours. If your team wins, that’s the icing on the cake.10. Wine TastingThere’s no better place to spend a summer eve than at a vineyard, sampling the wines, having a picnic, looking up at the stars. Some venues even have music and dancing. This is one of our all-time favorite things to do in the summer.11. Bed and BreakfastsWe love bed and breakfasts. They are quaint, cozy and friendly. When our kids were little, going away to a bed and breakfast for 24 hours was a special treat for us. It provided privacy, time away – but not too much time – and a short hiatus from the day-to-day routine. The breakfasts are phenomenal and we met some fascinating people!Doing activities together creates new memories, new experiences; keeps the relationship fresh, and recharges the romance. Now what are you going to do?Let us know what you are doing over the summer to recharge the romance on our Facebook page.We wish you a wonderful spring and summer with lots of dates!To Your Relationship,Lori & BobImage Copyright luckybusiness


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