3 Tips to Recover If Hilary and Donald Have Affected Your Relationship

election-2016The 2016 election is over!! It couldn’t have come soon enough. The daily barrage of negativity and hostility were staggering.I admit, I was one of those people who became very stressed throughout the campaign season. Though I knew it was healthier to be less immersed in the news, I couldn’t help listening to the television talk shows and checking my cell phone for the latest headline.An online survey conducted by Harris Poll for the American Psychological Association found that the election was a significant source of stress for 52 percent of American adults.The study reported:

  • Democrats and Republicans were equally stressed.
  • People using social media were more likely to feel stressed.
  • Men and women were equally stressed.
  • Generationally, 56 percent of Millennials, 45 percent of Gen Xers, and 50 percent of Boomers said the election was stressful.

And then there were our relationships and marriages. How did the election affect your relationship? Probably brought you closer if you were on the same side. But what if you were on opposite sides?Here is a wonderful New York Times article that interviewed couples on opposite sides politically, and describes how the election has impacted their marriages. Check it out.If the election has caused stress in your relationship here are 3 tips to get back on track:

1) Put it aside.It’s done and over. Agree to disagree. If you don’t understand each other’s point of view by now, chances are you never will. Make a pact to stop talking about it. Give yourselves time to recover from the stress of focusing on your differences.2) Make time to reconnect.Set up a date and do something fun together. Feed the positive part of the relationship. Reconnect physically; i.e., have sex.3) Talk about the reasons you are together.Bring the focus back to the positive aspects of your relationship. Let go of the negative.

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