4 Tips to Stay Awake in Your Relationship

"The number one rule of conscious relationships: Be Real"- Katie and Gay HendricksLast week we shared an overview of the 9 Secrets to Love and Lust for a Lifetime. For the next nine weeks we’ll explore each secret more deeply.Secret #1 - Stay Awake. Do you ever feel your life is like Ground Hogs Day? You do the same thing day after day - get up, make the bed (maybe), shower, make breakfast (and lunch for the kids), go to work, come home, cook dinner (or order fast food), take the kids to sports, supervise homework, fall into bed; and then - - before you know it - - the alarm goes off and you are doing it again?Life can become so frenetic with so much to do and so little time, that our relationships inadvertently drift apart. We think that once we’re committed, we don’t have to pursue or woo our partner anymore. The chase is over. Bedtime becomes ten o’clock. We’re too tired to go out Saturday night. Sex becomes more of a chore than a pleasure.After ten years or so, we wake up next to our partner one morning and wonder, who are you? We’ve done a good job parenting; the kids are on their way. But we have not attended to our relationship and a decade has passed.How does this happen? The answer is, we have been living our lives “asleep.” I'm not saying that it is easy to keep our relationships awake during these years; we’ve been there. However, if you have wondered too far apart, it may be too late to get those loving feelings back. Don't let it happen!Watch this video to hear us share 4 Tips to Stay Awake in Your Relationship.And stay tuned for more about the Secret #2 next week.To Your Relationship,Lori and Bob HollanderSign up for our monthly eNewsletter, Radical Relationships, to receive more tips and articles from us about relationships.[/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]


Do You Believe Your Relationship Can Grow?


9 Secrets to Love and Lust for a Lifetime