5 Great “Getaway” Ideas to Recharge Your Relationship

Ever feel your relationship is in a rut?It’s easy to fall into the routine of working, taking care of the kids and doing all the humdrum activities of our busy lives. That’s why it is imperative that couples “get away,” to give new life to your connection, emotionally and sexually.Before you start with the excuses, read our article from last week, The Absolute Best Way to Recharge Your Relationship.

Getting away is food for your marriage, nurturance for the soul of your relationship and a reboot of the erotic energy that may dwindle if inadvertently overlooked.

10218897_sIf you can get away together for a week consider yourself one of the lucky few. Many couples can’t afford the time or the money, or can’t be away from the kids for an extended period. That’s fine.Think outside the box and go away for one or two nights. Even a small break is enough to stimulate and renew the energy between you.When our kids were young, Bob and I took short trips (one or two nights) several times a year. We were always within one hour of home in case we were needed, and we found some small, quaint towns we’d never visited. It didn’t take much planning, there was little travel time, and packing was a breeze. The difference it made in our relationship was amazing. It was actually better than one long vacation once a year.Here are five ideas for getting away together without breaking the bank:

  1. Go to a Bed and Breakfast - B & B’s are one of our favorites. The houses are unique and you meet some very interesting people. Not to mention, the luscious gourmet breakfasts included in the price. Check out BedandBreakfast.com.
  2. Rent a Home - You can find an inexpensive home near or far at Airbnb.com or www.Homeaway.com. Even if you are close to home, being in a different environment adds a sexy spark to this adventure.
  3. Go Camping - Even if camping in a tent isn’t your style, there are plenty of nice cabins available. Try ReserveAmerica.com, www.NPS.gov, or www.Recreation.gov.
  4. Go to the Beach Off-Season - Beach rentals are cheap off-season. Just Google “Off Season Beach Rentals’ in a beach near you.
  5. Go Last Minute - If you are flexible or find the kids are staying with their grandparents for the weekend, check out LastMinuteTravel.com.

If you have any other creative ideas to share, we would love to hear about them on Facebook. Happy Travels.Image Copyright Wavebreak Media Ltd


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The Absolute Best Way to Recharge Your Relationship