Do You Think You "Know Everything" About Your Partner?

image couple talking laughingIf you've been together for years you probably think you know everything about your partner. The reality is, you might be surprised. There've been times over the 28 years of our marriage where Bob told me something that came as a surprise. I know I've said, "Really? You never told me that," more than once.One of the ways to revitalize your relationship is to resuscitate your curiosity about your partner. I use the word resuscitate (defined as "revive from death or unconsciousness") purposefully since familiarity has a habit of smothering our curious natures. It's easy to become complacent and fall into a relationship where we stop asking questions about each other and assume we "know everything" about our partner. Renewing your curiosity is a great way to rejuvenate your interest in each other, emotionally and sexually.

"Curiosity is the lust of the mind." – Thomas Hobbes

I have a challenge for you...Below are 10 questions that may be enlightening and stimulate conversation with your partner. Go out on a date and ask each other these questions. Or make up your own. Then give us some feedback. We would love to know how it goes.

1. What is something I don't know about you?

2. If you had the chance to have a different career, what would it be?

3. If you a crystal ball that could see into the future, what would you want to know?

4. What do I do that makes you the happiest?

5. What do you like about us as a couple?

6. What is your biggest fear?

7. If you had to change one thing about yourself what would it be?

8. What was the biggest lesson you learned from your mother/father?

9. Is it hard to be faithful?

10. What do you like most that I do in bed?

The idea is to not take for granted that you "know everything" about your partner no matter how long you've been together.

"Enjoy every step you take. If you're curious, there is always something new to be discovered in the backdrop of your daily life."- Roy T. Bennett

You will be as interesting to each other as you choose to be.

Keep feeding your curiosity and your relationship will grow deeper and more connected over the years.

"Curiosity is one of the great secrets of happiness." – Bryant H. McGill

We are designing aFree Relationship WebinarAnd for those who want to go deeper, a6-Week Paid Relationship Webinarwith practical tools that can be used right away to:

* Strengthen communication skills* Manage conflict constructively* Deepen intimacy and connection* Ensure a lasting loving relationship

We’ve gotten lots of feedback about what you’d like to hear about in first webinar. Thanks so much! We need your input.For those who haven’t replied yet...WE’D APPRECIATE YOUR INPUT so we can ensure our content will meet your needs.Our questions are...1) What is the biggest struggle in your relationship?2) What are 2 questions that must be answered in our webinar?Email your confidential responses to

Image Copyright Priscilla Westra


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