Have You Forgotten to Listen to Your Partner?
photo relationships work couple not listening
Listening is one of the most important skills in a relationship. Understanding how to actively listen may mean the difference between a relationship lasting or not. In this day of electronic communication and a preference for texting instead of talking, are we losing our ability to listen?When partners focus on their responses to each other’s message more than on trying to discern the meaning of their partner’s words, the result is misinterpretation and misunderstanding. This leads to frustration and anger. Communication breakdowns. When couples work to understand each other, and it is work, they feel a deep sense of connection, love and respect. Listening is a bridge.In his informative and fascinating TED Talk, 5 Ways to Listen Better, author and speaker, Julian Treasure, describes how we are "losing our listening." And he shares five ways to "re-tune your ears for conscious listening." Share your thoughts and comments about this video on our Facebook page.And speaking of our Facebook page, don't forget to send us your questions about relationships and we will respond to them on Facebook with a video on Q&A Thursdays.Image Copyright StockSnap