How Does Gratitude Affect Relationships?

Gratitude combines the act of thankfulness with being present. Think about the last time someone expressed gratitude to you. It likely made you smile, have eye contact with that person and pause, if only for seconds, to receive the thanks. It was a moment of feeling valued.Why is there not more gratitude in the world and in our relationships? It costs nothing, it’s easy to do, it only takes a second, and it is a gift that others will appreciate. Being more grateful as you walk through the world will change your life. Research has shown people who express gratitude are happier and more positive, and they have happier romantic relationships.I came across a wonderful video about the impact of gratitude on romantic relationships. Sara Algoe, Professor of Psychology, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill has done a lot of research on this topic.In this 14-minute YouTube video, Dr. Algoe answers the questions:

  • Why is expressing gratitude to a partner so important?

  • What is the meaning and impact of being grateful with your loved one?

  • What does the research show about the role of gratitude in relationships?

  • What stops us from expressing more gratitude?

  • Why is it important to express the gratitude we feel?

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Video: How Does Gratitude Affect Romantic Relationships?

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