How to Sidestep the Top 3 Relationship Pitfalls During the Holidays

It’s crunch time. Lists to make. Gifts to buy. Parties to attend. Families to visit. No wonder the weight of the holidays (no pun intended) generates stress on a relationship.On an average day one of the most common complaints we hear from clients is, “We don’t have enough time for our relationship.” The burden becomes even greater leading up to the holidays. Without realizing it we tend to put our partnership last on the list. However, it is vital for couples to consciously carve out some time for each other, even if it is in brief chunks.Watch this video to hear us talk about the ways couples can come together to cope with holiday stress and keep the fires burning during the holiday season.VideoSign up for our monthly eNewsletter, Radical Relationships, to receive more tips and articles from us about relationships.To Your Relationship,Lori and Bob Hollander


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