Love and Sex: What Do We Really Want?

We have a human drive to love.Bob and I love spending time with friends and meeting new people. This weekend we had the good fortune to do both. I'm always interested in hearing what others think about love and relationships, and I was intrigued by my conversation with a single man I met.He asked what I thought about online dating. I replied I thought it was great and knew many people who'd met their mates online. He shared his dissatisfaction meeting people through dating websites and made some interesting points which I wanted to share. He said:

Looking at people's profiles gives you information about them. Based upon that, you meet to see if there's any connection or chemistry. Often there is not. Waste of time. Isn't it better to meet someone where you feel connection and chemistry first and then learn about who they are?

Interesting point. I wonder how many other people feel that way?He also described:

Meeting women online encourages "the search for the perfect partner," since every day more potential partners are at your fingertips, or in your email box. He spoke about his desire to meet new people in other ways and in person.

I thought that was a fascinating point. In our day and age of the internet and electronic communication there is something missing: actual real-live contact; the human connection.My conversation with him made me think, "What do we really want from love?"In search of the answer, I was led to a video by Helen Fisher, Ph.D., who describes what love is and isn't in the new millennium. It's provocative, enlightening and funny. Check out Dr. Helen Fisher's talk, What We Want.Dr. Fisher is a Biological Anthropologist, Senior Research Fellow at the Kinsey Institute and Chief Scientific Advisor to She is a renowned author of six books on evolution, biology and the future of human sex, love, and marriage. Here is one we love:Why Him? Why Her? How to Find and Keep Lasting LoveLet us know your thoughts about Dr. Fisher's video on our Facebook page.If you are not in a relationship and want to be, we can coach you to find a partner.For those of you in relationships, experiencing difficulty, we are here to help.Call us at 410-363-2825 or email us for more information.Image Copyright Henri Meilhac


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