Researcher Reveals 5 Ways to Renew Old Love

As children, we learn that "falling in love" is a mysterious phenomenon, something beyond our control. We get swept off our feet by strong emotions and chemical attraction. If it’s "the true love of soulmates," it will last forever all by itself, like magic.That is the biggest myth about relationships. We may indeed "fall in love," but keeping romance and connection alive between two partners for a lifetime is a matter of learning how to continually "grow in love."Dr. Barbara Fredrickson, Kenan Distinguished Professor of Psychology at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, and principal investigator of the school’s Positive Emotions and Psychophysiology Lab, is a world expert on positive emotion. In her article, Five Ways to Renew an Old Love, she shares her scientific findings on what makes our bonds of love grow and last.In addition to Dr. Barbara Fredrickson's article, you may want to check out her books. She is the author of:Positivity: Top-Notch Research Reveals the 3 to 1 Ratio That Will Change Your Life, and Love 2.0: How Our Supreme Emotion Affects Everything We Feel, Think, Do and Become.We want to hear from you! Let us know your thoughts about this article on our Facebook page.


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