Surviving an Affair: How One Couple Overcame Infidelity

dreamstime_xs_53295972When your partner has an affair, it can feel like your whole world is crashing down on you. But not only can your relationship heal, it can emerge stronger.Despite what many people think, couples can and do overcome the damage to their relationship as a result of an affair.It's easy to say, "If that ever happened to me, I'd leave." When it actually does happen, it’s a whole different story. Ask anyone who has been through it.It's not just about the betrayal. It may be about a ten or twenty-year marriage, the fate of a family unit, the impact on children, relationships with extended family, splitting assets, cutting retirement savings in half, a dramatic change in finances and lifestyle. Worse yet, waking up half the time without your children.That's why couples who want to save their marriage come to our practice. Here is the story of one couple we worked with who made it.

Surviving an Affair: How One Couple Overcame Infidelity

This article by Lori W. Hollander, LCSW-C, BCD was published by Names and details have been altered to protect confidentiality.

It's not easy by any stretch of the imagination, but couples can and do survive affairs. If you need assistance with betrayal, contact us by phone (410-363-2825) or email. We would be glad to work with you and/or your partner.Image Copyright Bialasiewicz


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