Why Is Sex So Important to Men?

photo Relationships Work why sex important to men

Love and sex are the two ingredients that sustain a healthy marriage. Yet, as the years pass, we often see the amount and quality of sexual activity decline in relationships.When couples come for marriage counseling, one of the most common issues presented is a lack of sexual connection or a difference in desire among partners. Most often it is the husband who complains about the lack of sexual intimacy, though certainly we’ve seen the reverse.Women often have a hard time understanding why sex is so important to men. Invalidating a man’s desire for lovemaking hurts the relationship.We wanted to share an article this week that answers the question: How Important Is Sex for A Man? It describes the most important reasons that sex is such a big deal for guys and will enlighten you.If the sexual connection in your relationship has faded, it’s not too late to get it back. Check out our article, 7 Ways to Put the Sizzle Back in Sex.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------If you are in a relationship that hurts and feel disconnected, have difficulties communicating, and/or are experiencing a crisis, we can help. Call us at 410-363-2825 or email info@relationshipswork.com.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Photo by calibra


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