3 Strategies to Stop Anger from Ruining Your Relationship

Anger, more than any other feeling, can destroy a relationship. Left unattended it will create a divide between partners that cannot be crossed. At one extreme, anger that is expressed can lead to verbal, emotional and/or physical abuse. At the other extreme, anger left unexpressed will build a wall of resentment too great to overcome.To survive and thrive, every couple must find ways to handle the anger that will inevitably arise in their relationship and hone strategies that result in a stronger bond after conflict is resolved. This is not a task for the faint of heart. It is difficult and painful work, which takes trial and error to find what strategy is right for you. However, this is one of the many tasks couples in a long-term relationship must work through as a team.Watch this video to hear Lori and Bob talk about three strategies to move through anger and return to love.


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