5 Powerful Quotes That Will Inspire a Fresh Start in Your Relationship

photo relationships work couple fresh start

We often see partners who want or need a fresh start in their relationship. It could be a couple who comes in after a crisis like an affair, or partners who have become roommates and want to rekindle their sexual relationship. It could be an empty nest couple who find they don’t have much in common after their kids launch. At some point, most relationships need a reboot or a fresh start to keep their love and connection alive.These 5 powerful quotes will inspire you to think about a fresh start in your love relationship. Share this with your partner and have a conversation about renewing or refreshing your love.

1. We cannot start over, but we can begin now, and make a new ending.- Zig Ziglar

Studies show: Unhappy couples wait an average of six years to seek outside help. When new clients come to us for therapy, it’s likely there’s lots of built up resentment. We work with them to process what’s happened in the past, understand what dynamics need to change, and coach them to “begin again.” When both partners are motivated a fresh start works.

2. We should remember that saying 'I love you' is only a beginning. We need to say it, we need to mean it, and most importantly we need consistently to show it. We need to both express and demonstrate love.- David A. Bednar

So often Bob and I hear, “I love my partner, but I’m not ‘in love.’” What we forget, or were never taught, is that love is a feeling and feelings are fluid. They change and wax and wane over the years. Love won’t last unless it is actively fed, nurtured and tended to over the years. Partners find that when they focus on performing acts of love, their feelings of love will grow and strengthen again.

3. Forgiveness says you are given another chance to make a new beginning.- Desmond Tutu

One of the keys to a long-term relationship is forgiveness. Inevitably over the years partners will cause each other emotional pain. It’s vital for partners to own the ways they intentionally or unintentionally hurt each other, repair the hurts, forgive and let go. Learning how to manage conflict is the most important skill couples need to create a lasting relationship. Forgiveness is part of that.

4. The concept and idea of who someone is may not be who they really are. Fall in love with fresh new eyes.- Sevin Philips

In relationships, we develop an image of “who our partner is” in terms of their characteristics, values, opinions, and behaviors. Over time we may stereotype each other and stop looking for other parts that don’t fit our image. We may not see new parts of them that develop as they grow through life, work and parenthood. The result can be that relationships drift apart.We’ve heard clients say, “He doesn’t know who I am now. I’m not the same person as when we married 25 years ago.” To get a different view of your partner, talk to them about your assumptions; ask them how they see themselves having changed or grown; ask others how they see your partner; or look at them from a distance and observe how they are at work or with others. You will see them with fresh eyes.

5. The way to love anything is to realize that it may be lost.- Gilbert K. Chesterton

Admit it. We often take our partners for granted. For some, it’s only when a partner suffers an illness or you lose someone close that you realize, we aren’t here forever. When you sweat the small stuff in relationships, ask yourself how important it really is. If it’s not that important, and most of what couples fight about are the little things, “Fuggedaboutit” as they say in New York.One last quote:

Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift.That’s why it’s called the present.– Unknown

It’s never too late to make a fresh start.If you are in a relationship and wanting a fresh start or you are looking for a fresh start in a new relationship, Bob and I can help. Call us at 410-363-2825 or email info@relationshipswork.com.Image Copyright Clem Onojeghuo


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