Expert Dr. Sue Johnson Explains "Attachment" in Relationships

"Being the 'best you can be' is really only possible

when you are deeply connected to another.

Splendid isolation is for planets, not people."- Dr. Sue Johnson

Explaining what is meant by “attachment” in relationships sounds easy. It’s the way we bond with our partner. In reality, it is a very complex issue that involves gaining deep insight into the way you and your partner relate to each other and why.Understanding attachment in a relationship involves exploring partners’ family histories to see how each individual’s style of attachment developed from childhood. The next step is understanding how partners’ attachment styles blend together or cause difficulties. With that knowledge, couples can learn to create more secure relationships.Without that knowledge, couples may select a partner who doesn’t instinctually know how to meet their needs for love and connection. Misunderstandings about each other’s needs may lead to separation and divorce.

"No one can dance with a partner and not touch each other's raw spots.We must know what these raw spots are and be able to speak about themin a way that pulls our partner closer to us."- Dr. Sue Johnson

photo relationships work two women happy holding hands

Learning more about your, and your partner’s, needs for love, reassurance, closeness and connection can transform relationships that otherwise would be hopeless.Dr. Sue Johnson, world-renowned author and relationship expert, explains the concept of attachment in an understandable and practical way using examples. You can use this information to talk with your partner about how you connect, and how you could improve your bond.


Dr. Sue Johnson is founding Director of the International Centre for Excellence in Emotionally Focused Therapy, and Distinguished Research Professor at Alliant University in San Diego, California. She is also Professor Emeritus, Clinical Psychology, at the University of Ottawa, Canada. Dr. Johnson’s books include:

At Relationships Work®, we use the work of Dr. Sue Johnson to create deeper and more connected relationships that last.If you are feeling disconnected from your partner or want to learn how to love and connect on a deeper level, Bob and I can help. Call us at 410-363-2825 or email us at Copyright avemario


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