5 Touchy Topics to Avoid Over Holiday Dinner

The Holiday Dinner has arrived. Your relationship has survived, despite all the decision-making about how much money to spend, what to buy, how to decorate, whose family to spend time with, and where the Holiday Dinner(s) will be. It’s time to relax... Or maybe not. You still have to get through the meal.Here are five touchy topics that may rear their ugly heads during your holiday celebration, and how to handle them:8167492_s1) Politics.Donald. Ted. Hilary. Bernie.There is so much to talk about; it’s hard to resist discussing politics. In the unlikely event that all your family members are on the same side, go ahead and talk your heads off; however, if that’s not the case, watch out. You and those you love may be very passionate about your political viewpoints. It’s easy to start these conversations, but hard to end them kindly.Our advice: Either avoid conversations about politics, or agree to disagree.*If you are a political junkie and can’t stop yourself from getting into a heated debate, ask your partner to give you a sign, or more likely come over and drag you away.2) Technology.“No cell phones allowed at dinner.”The six words every young person loathes to hear (and some older persons too).How many people will be texting at your dinner table? Chances are, many. We’ve become addicted to our cell phones. Dare you impose a ban on technology at the dinner table? The thought of leaving them in another room or silencing them, even during a holiday meal is enough to strike fear in the hearts of many.Our advice: Do it anyway!3) Boundaries.“When are the two of you going to have kids?” “Haven’t you found a job yet?”These are some of the boundaries that shouldn’t be crossed. Talking about touchy subjects at family gatherings should be off limits. It’s just uncomfortable.Our advice: If someone crosses your boundaries, just say, “I’d rather not discuss that today.”In addition, there may be issues you don’t want your partner to bring up during a holiday gathering; e.g., you’re thinking of relocating for a new job, one of your kids was suspended from school for smoking pot, you are on the verge of filing bankruptcy.Our advice: Discuss topics with your partner up front that are “off limits.”4) The food.“What? No French Fried Onion Rings in the string bean casserole?”Except for compliments, don’t talk about the food. Remember the person hosting the meal slaved over the stove for hours, possibly days, preparing to feed you.Our advice: Give only praise, and lots of it. If the turkey is dry, if you’re vegetarian and only eat the vegetables, if someone at the table overeats, forgeddaboutit!5) Bad news.“I heard your ex got engaged.” “How did you lose your job?”No one really wants to discuss unpleasant news at a family gathering. It’s just not the right time. Save these discussions for more intimate settings.Our advice: Holidays are the times to celebrate, appreciate, share joy, express warmth and gratitude, and embrace the people you love. Focus on the positive.We wish you a wonderful, low stress holiday season. More tips coming next week. Stay tuned...Image Copyright Teresa Kasprzycka


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