And Here's to Talking About Relationships

I have learned over the years that daring to talk openly and genuinely about relationships results in a cascade of formerly buried thoughts and feelings that can be quite intense and self-revealing. And it confirms my belief that knowing and understanding as much as we possibly can about just such thoughts and feelings can and will substantially open our minds and hearts.Case in point: Although I have had some scattered thoughts and feelings about the issue of the "ebb and flow" of my relationship with Lori, and with relationships in general, I never really focused upon it in any serious manner – that is, until last Saturday night.What I am talking about is "Woman Talk Live," a most incredible radio show, hosted by Ann Quasman and co-hosted that night by Monyka Berracossa - an encounter that would shake up my world, and drive me once again into the promises as well as the perils of investigating relationships from a slightly different angle. I must admit that what made this experience so valuable was the energy that these two brought that night, which included their most delightful way of challenging Lori and I at every turn.And thus, after "surviving" this radio show, yet again, and after being surrounded and ritualistically pummeled by some pretty remarkable and most beautiful women, I have since experienced a cascade of deeper thoughts about "ebb and flow," how it manifests in relationships, and, more specifically, in my relationship with Lori. I guess you could say that Ann and Monyka’s "no holds barred and take no prisoners" interview style rocked my mind and jostled my unconscious.I can only attribute my new insights, understanding and fresh thought to the energy of this "Dynamic Duo" and to the conversation that evolved during that fateful night. As a matter of fact, I believe this "close encounter" with Ann and Monyka may have actually influenced Lori’s latest Relationship Recharge.My point here is just this: That even within the formalities and strictures of a radio studio - having the chance to talk honestly, openly and genuinely about your relationship will help you view that relationship just a little bit differently than you had before. And this small shift in perspective sometimes can yield great treasures of understanding and connection with your partner.And if this can happen during a radio show, then how much more can we contribute to the quality of our delicate relationship with our partner, if we but endeavor to do the same privately, consciously, on a daily basis.So thank you, Monyka Berracossa, for who you genuinely are, and thank you, Ann, for all that you do for so many, and what you do for us every time we are with you in this most incredibly honest and authentic forum. And of course thank you, Lori, as usual, for being a most faithful partner no matter what I might spring upon you at any given moment.Bob Hollander


Map Your Personal Journey to Extraordinary: The First Step (Part I of IV)


Extraordinary Relationships: The Journey to the Center of Connection