Be Grateful Anyway

Even though you shouldn't have to thank him for routine things,Thank him lovingly anyway.Even though you shouldn't have to validate your love every day,Do acts of love each day anyway.Even though you shouldn't have to remind him when he forgets,Remind him kindly anyway.Even though you shouldn't have to listen for a long time,Listen to her with empathy anyway.Even though you shouldn't have to tell him what you need,Tell him gently anyway.Even though you shouldn't have to ask her to make love,Ask her tenderly anyway.Even though you shouldn't have to request more hugs,Ask him adoringly anyway.Even though you shouldn't have to understand her moodiness,Respect her feelings anyway.Even though you shouldn't have to compliment achievements,Compliment him genuinely anyway.For in the end, it's much better to live your life being grateful than to be right anyway.


Survival Guide: Visiting In-Laws, Out-Laws & Other Relatives During the Holidays (or any day for that matter)


The Gratitude Effect