Chronic Arguments: How to stop having the same fight, over and over again

People often say to us, "Why do my partner and I get stuck in conflict? We have chronic arguments about the same things and they never get solved."Most couples do have recurring disputes and, if they are not careful, they may end up on a merry-go-round of chronic conflict. The biggest problem is that no one is being heard and both partners feel invalidated.Behind every argument is a feeling, and a unique interpretation of your partner’s actions, behaviors or point of view. The issues your partner triggers in you provide a window into your soul.

What's under chronic conflict

Watch this video in which Bob and I talk about finding what's under chronic conflict and how to have a different conversation with your partner.We'd love to hear your thoughts about conflict on our Facebook page

Your relationship deserves the highest level of support. Relationship Experts, Bob and Lori Hollander are committed to helping individuals and couples build connection and deepen bonds in a world that often makes it difficult.

Call them at 410-363-2825 or email them today,


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Mark Bowden

on 123rf


Conflict as a Path to Deeper Communication


Listen In: How Two Relationship Therapists Used Time-Out