Give Your Love the Greatest Gift of All

"The best and most beautiful things in this world cannot be seen or even heard, but must be felt with the heart." - Helen Keller

Happy Valentine's Day! It’s not too late to give your love a Valentine's Day gift. No, it’s not flowers or chocolates or jewelry. They’re nice, but the greatest gift you can give your partner are words from the heart. In this age of electronic communication, taking the time and effort to write a love letter is more precious than ever.During the 25 Valentine's Days that Bob and I have celebrated, the most valuable and memorable gifts I’ve received have been the cards that he has hand written to me. I cherish them and the genuine expression of what our relationship means to him.Ladies, love letters are not just for women. Bob values the words I write to him expressing my gratitude and appreciation for the life we have built together. He says they are a unique opportunity to speak from the heart.Writing a love letter may not come naturally to everyone, so here are some tips for how to write your letter:

  • Focus on your beloved. You may want to look at a picture of him/her.
  • Write down the qualities that make your partner and your relationship unique.
  • Be specific, instead of general. You may want to use an example of a time he/she demonstrated this quality.
  • Write from the heart in your unique and genuine way.
  • Share your hopes and dreams for the future.

We wish you a wonderful Valentine's Day!Lori & Bob Hollander


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