Holiday Shopping Romance

Are you wondering, "How could the hustle-bustle stress of holiday shopping in any way be connected with romance?"As with many stressors, the way we feel about an experience is largely based upon how we perceive it. Though studies have shown that six out of ten people "dread" holiday shopping, with the right mindset you can turn this year's holiday shopping hassle into a date!Use your holiday shopping as an opportunity to be together, to enjoy the holiday spirit and feel connected.Here are a few ideas to have a "hot" holiday shopping date:Set up your date to be a pleasurable experience:* Plan several shopping dates to enjoy the time together and not feel pressured.* Break down your list into chunks and set your goals realistically.* Shop at off-peak times to avoid the crowds.* Set your intention to enjoy and focus on being together no matter what.Plan a fun reward for yourselves as part of your shopping date:* Get hot chocolate and reminisce about your favorite holiday memories.* Go out for an appetizer or dessert and a drink.* Shop for gifts at a bookstore where you can have a "coffee and dessert" date.* Buy your own gifts together instead of surprising each other.* Shop at a mall with a theater and see a movie.* Buy something at Victoria's Secret and plan a night away for next year.Being together can move your shopping experience from dread to delight. Happy Shopping!Does a "holiday shopping date" interest you? Have you tried it before?


Don’t Forget the “Holi-Dates”


Holiday Hassle or Holiday Heaven?