How to Create the Ritual of Gratitude

Very often people say to us, "I can't imagine doing your job. How do you listen to people talk about their problems for hours?" I tell them, we don't look at it that way.Bob and I feel honored that people share their most intimate, vulnerable feelings with us; that they trust us to support them, to advise them, to counsel them. We watch them grow, become more insightful, develop their resilience, deepen their relationships, and bring more love and happiness into their lives. It is a joy to watch the accomplishments our clients make as a result of partnering with us in therapy.We are so grateful for our clients and our work. How many people get to come to work every day, enjoy their job, help people and watch them create healthier lives? When you love your work, it's not work - and that is exactly how we feel.Thank you for being part of our relationship community. We are grateful for you.

We can only be said to be alive in those moments when our hearts are
conscious of our treasures. ~ Thornton Wilder

This week, I want to share a wonderful resource that I found on a website about Positive Psychology:13 Most Popular Gratitude Exercises & Activities is chock full of links to gratitude exercises, quizzes, worksheets and podcasts. Use them to develop the habit of gratitude and bring more joy into your and your partner's life. Check out this link today!In case you missed our other articles about gratitude in relationships, here they are...The Quickest, Easiest Way to Improve Your MarriageWant More Joy? Brené Brown Tells You How to Get It

Your relationship deserves the highest level of support. Relationship Experts, Bob and Lori Hollander are committed to helping individuals and couples build connection and deepen bonds in a world that often makes it difficult.Call them at 410-363-2825 or email them today,

Photo credit Justin Follis on Unsplash


A Message of Thanks and Giving


Want More Joy? Brené Brown Tells You How to Get It