Want More Joy? Brené Brown Tells You How to Get It

Ever wonder how you can create more joy in your life? Ask yourself these questions:

  • How often do you thank someone during your day?

  • Do you express gratitude to the cashier at the grocery store, the neighbor who gives you a hand, the person who drives the kids’ school bus?

  • How regularly do you catch your kids doing something right and give them an appreciative comment?

  • How often do you stop for a moment to express gratitude to your spouse?

Being more aware or mindful of taking a second to express gratitude will bring you more joy. In this wonderful short video, Brené Brown talks with Oprah about the connection between gratitude and joy. She also describes why joy is terrifying for many of us.This is a must see!Want More Joy? Brené Brown Tells You How To Get It

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Photo credit YakobchukOlena on Canva


How to Create the Ritual of Gratitude


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