How to Fill the Empty Nest

It’s that time of year. Fall is in the air; the kids are back in school. Many couples are facing the most dramatic developmental change in the history of their family - the dreaded empty nest.Empty Nest Syndrome sounds daunting! Every parent goes through this stage of separation when the children they’ve raised for the last couple of decades leave them to venture out on their own. It is quite a significant change. The house is very quiet. There is no one to let the dog out, no one to delegate chores to, no one to complain about chores, no one to put the trash out, and no one to clean up after. It can really be quite sad, as you mourn the loss of a job you’ve had for the last 18 or so years.But do not fear! As you move into this new chapter of your lives, there is an incredible opportunity here. Bob and I are going to tell you about it in this video.Watch this video to hear us share more about how to fill the empty nest.Sign up for our monthly eNewsletter, Radical Relationships, to receive more tips and articles from us about relationships.To Your Relationship,Lori and Bob Hollander


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