How Valentine's Day Can Be the “New Years” of Love

HoldHeart-150x148How intimate is your relationship on the levels of head, heart and hormones? With Valentine's Day approaching, love is in the air. It’s a great reminder to check in with your partner and talk about ways you would like to connect more deeply.Having an upbeat and positive conversation with your partner about the three levels of connection - Head, Heart and Hormones, is a great way to take charge of increasing your intimacy. Instead of complaining about what you’re not getting, frame your conversation by asking each other what you would like more of. Here are some questions to get you started:Head - What do you like about the way we communicate? How would you like us to more deeply share intimate thoughts and feelings?Heart - In what ways are you receiving love from me the way you want it? How would you like to be loved more?Hormones - What is fulfilling about our sexual connection? How could we make it even better?Think of Valentine's Day as the “New Years” of love - a time to assess how we have loved and been loved over the last year and what we will do to improve it this year.After this conversation, write down what each of you will consciously do more of and commit to making some positive changes. Small changes can make a big difference.Remember, love is a verb. When you consciously do acts of love, your intimacy and connection will grow.

"So it’s not gonna be easy. It’s gonna be really hard. We’re gonna have to work at this every day, but I want to do that because I want you. I want all of you, forever, you and me, every day…"

Ryan Gosling, The Notebook

We wish you a wonderful Valentine's Day and a happy new year of love!We’d love to hear how this works for you! Write to us at or post your comments on our Facebook page.To Your Relationship,Lori & Bob


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