Meeting You Again…For the Very First Time

Sometimes in session I find a most heartfelt phenomenon befalling a couple – it is the time when partners begin to know “self” and then the “other” more deeply than ever before. It may be the first time that they have truly grasped each other in their most genuine form.A vision of our most basic, most innocent nature lie just out of reach of consciousness, hovering just below our anger, our sadness and fear, and yes, even our self loathing. Bringing this most central part of our nature before our very eyes and before those of our partner will begin to destroy old worn out stereotypes and labels that will finally start to fall of their own dead weight. And at long last we will reveal to the other and to all the world our most genuine self - our “best self.”You and your partner can at any time dare to believe in each other once again and to begin the journey to such daunting heights, or more accurately, to such profound depths. Then finally you will sense the pulsing goodness of our most fundamental nature, so often hidden by years of abuse and self abuse.Within these cascading revelations, we shall literally be “meeting each other, again, for the very first time.” And to the extent that we are faithful to this process, will be the extent to which we find ourselves closer to the truth about self and other, and the extent to which our love and our relationships shall grow.


Letting Go of Emotional Baggage: Getting to Acceptance


Is There An "Invalidator" in Your Life?