Perception Matters: 3 Tips to Enhance Your Communication

It is sometimes essential for a husband and a wife to quarrel - they get to know each other better. ~ GoetheElise: Honey, what if we clean up the basement this weekend?John: You are always on me about something! No matter how much work I do around here it is never enough!Elise: John, I said “we,” not “you,” and it was just an idea. What did you perceive me saying?John: In my mind I heard you say, “John, I’ve been asking you to clean up the basement for a week and you haven’t done it yet! You never do anything around here!”Elise: Wow, I was just making a suggestion and thought it would be easier if we both worked together.John: Sorry, Elise. I won’t jump to conclusions next time.Did you ever communicate a message to your partner and he/she totally misinterpreted what you meant? Perception is a significant part of the communication process and can either enhance communication or create conflict.In this week's Relationship Recharge, we explain why perception matters and its impact on a couple's communication; talk about the three stages of the perception process; and share three tips to enhance your communication by making sure you and your partner perceive each other clearly.Watch the video on YouTube. Or, click the play button below.If you would like specific suggestions on communication with your partner, email us.We are here to support you in your personal journey toward extraordinary.To your relationship,Lori and Bob Hollander


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