Put the "Fun" Back in Your Relationship

36766216_sIs it Groundhog's Day in your relationship? Has it become predictable, dull and stuffy? Dust the cobwebs off. Spring is a perfect time to breathe some life into your relationship and bring back the fun.Remember the good old days before you were an adult? I remember having a blast in college. Then came graduate school, career, marriage, mortgage and children; life became very serious. It’s at this stage that most of us forget to have fun.Why not set your intention to create some fun this spring and summer for you and your partner? The first order of business is carving out time. No excuses. There will never be time if you don’t make it. Bob and I see so many families where the children’s activities consume family time; adult activities and dates are put on the back burner. Remember, nurturing your relationship is a gift to your kids.Here are 3 steps to get started:1) Brainstorm - With your partner, brainstorm a summer playlist of all the fun activities you would enjoy. Be sure to include ones you have never done before. Be daring and adventurous.Here are some ideas to get you started:

  • Outdoor Concerts
  • Picnics
  • Bicycle Rides
  • Miniature Golf
  • Camping
  • Hiking
  • Boating or Kayaking
  • Ziplining
  • Road Trip
  • Bed & Breakfast
  • Dancing
  • Stargazing
  • Picking Your Own Strawberries, Cherries, Peaches
  • Playing Frisbee
  • Amusement Park (without the kids)
  • Swimming
  • Ballgames

2) Plan - Put activities on the calendar. If you don’t, there is a good chance you’ll forget or get too busy.3) Prepare - Get tickets, hire the babysitter, take your bicycles in for a tune up, get a new bathing suit.Creating and enjoying time just for the two of you as a couple is the best investment you can make - for yourselves and your family. It will bring you closer, create more connection and put the sparkle back in your relationship.Image Copyright mindof


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