Relationship Experts We Love: Michele Weiner-Davis, MSW

"The problems most people divorce over are solvable." - Michele Weiner-Davis, MSWMichele Weiner-Davis, MSW is an internationally-renowned relationship expert who spoke out about “unnecessary divorce.” She led the movement to encourage people to work on their marriages instead of just giving up.Michele’s passion for helping “911 couples,” i.e. couples on the verge of divorce, comes from her personal experience. She grew up in a loving family with parents who never fought, two brothers and a close extended family. At age 16 her mother revealed that she’d been unhappy in her marriage of 23 years and was divorcing their father. That was the beginning of Michele’s determination to create a lasting marriage for herself and her family, and to help other couples to do the same.Her best selling book, Divorce Busting: A Step-by-Step Approach to Making Your Marriage Loving Again, gives down-to-earth, practical advice for individuals and couples to create relationships that are fulfilling and last for a lifetime.Michele directs the The Divorce Busting Center in Colorado and Illinois. She is a sought after speaker and has appeared on Oprah, 20/20, The Today Show and CNN to name just a few.One of Michele’s most recent books, The Sex-Starved Marriage: A Couple's Guide to Boosting Their Marriage Libido, gives candid and sensible advice to couples whose libidos are not in sync. Michele says,

"It’s estimated that one in three couples struggles with a

sexual desire gap; one person is hot when the other is not."

You can watch her recent TED talk on “The Sex-Starved Marriage.”We would love to hear your thoughts about Michele Weiner-Davis’ work on Facebook or email us at

Your relationship deserves the highest level of support. Relationship Experts, Bob and Lori Hollander are committed to helping individuals and couples build connection and deepen bonds in a world that often makes it difficult.

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Relationship Experts We Love: Tammy Nelson, PhD