Resolve to Jump Start Your Relationship in 2012

New Years Eve is upon us once again. What resolutions will you make for 2012? Many people vow to get healthier, lose weight, stop smoking, start exercising. Why not resolve to consciously create a more loving relationship with your partner?Here are some ideas to jump start building a deeper connection:

  1. Carve out sacred time for each other – Create a regular time each week when you will have alone time without the kids. Strong marriages put the relationship first some of the time. It will be a gift to you and your partner, and ultimately to your kids.
  2. Talk about how you want to receive love – Exchange thoughts with your partner about makes each of you feel the most loved. What is it that you need more of? Words, touch, time, respect, listening? Make a conscious effort to do more for each other.
  3. Plan regular dates – Get into the habit of going out 2-4 times per month. It doesn’t have to be expensive. It can be coffee and dessert. It’s about having fun together.
  4. Be authentic – Share your deeper feelings and thoughts with each other. Have honest conversations about the relationship; withholding what you think and feel or not being truthful will lead to distance and disconnection.
  5. Have more sex – Emotional love and physical love need to be in balance. Often we put sex last on our list or make it into a chore. Talk with your partner about your sexual connection and see how you can build this part of your relationship.

We would love to hear your thoughts and ideas about relationship resolutions on our Facebook page.We wish you and your family a healthy, happy and warm New Year!!Lori and Bob Hollander

Lori Hollander, LCSW-C, BCD, and Bob Hollander, LCSW-C, JD, are licensed counselors and co-founders of Relationships Work, an innovative therapy practice and online resource center that gives couples 360 degrees of support for extraordinary partnerships. Sign up for Radical Relationships, a monthly eZine from Relationships Work, and receive Why Take the Journey to Extraordinary? absolutely free.


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