3 Keys to Minimize Relationship Stress Around the Holidays

holidays hot cocoa marshmallowsWith Thanksgiving behind us, it's on to the most wonderful (and most stressful) time of the year: Christmas, Hanukkah and Kwanzaa. No matter what holiday you celebrate there is always too much to do and not enough time. It's easy to get caught up in the hustle bustle and allow yourself to become overwhelmed.We tend to see couple's relationships strained this time of year. The endless activities and tasks, shopping, event planning, cooking, baking, wrapping, and decorating take precedent over romance, going on dates, communicating, and having sex. We put our relationships on the back burner.Here are 3 keys to minimize relationship stress around the holidays:1) Create a Holiday Blueprint TogetherSet your intention with your partner to work as a team. Schedule time to create a strategic plan.

  • Do a brain dump. Think of all the tasks that have to be done over the month.
  • Make lists of everything by category: gifts, activities, event planning, cooking, baking, card giving, gift wrapping, decorating.
  • Use a planner or binder and Excel spreadsheets or a Holiday Planner to organize the lists.
  • Divide up the tasks according to your strengths.
  • Use a centralized calendar to set time frames according to priority.
  • Schedule time once a week to check in with each other and make changes as necessary.

2) Agree to a Realistic Budget Before You ShopLook at your finances together and decide up front what you are going to spend. Stick to the plan when you shop. Make an agreement to check with each other if there needs to be a significant change.3) Make Time for Your RelationshipStay connected. Build a couple of "Holi-Dates" into your schedule now. Make your relationship a priority. If you don't plan it up front it won't happen. We'll have more on Holi-Dates next week. Stay tuned!Thank you for being part of our relationship community.We are available to work with you and/or your partner. You can call us at 410-363-2825 or email LHollander@RelationshipsWork.com. We would be delighted to help.Image Copyright Viktoriia Panchenko


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