3 Secrets to Spice Up Your Relationship

Today's secret to love and lust for a lifetime is:Secret #8 - Do something different to spice up your relationship.When you’ve been with your partner for years, there’s not much you don’t know about each other. Relationships become predictable - you coordinate the schedule, pay the bills, have sex once a week - or once a month - or less. Days become routine - there’s work, kids, meals, laundry. It’s easy to become complacent and allow your connection to wane.The only way partnerships stay vital is if you and your partner make it a point to do something different and spice up your relationship from time to time.Watch this video to hear more about How to Spice Up Your Relationship.

Come back next week to read more secrets to love and lust for a lifetime in Secret #9!

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Perserverance - The 9th Secret to Love and Lust for a Lifetime


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