Do you and your partner stay in touch?

Today’s secret to love and lust for a lifetime is:Secret #7 - Stay “in touch.”How often do you and your partner review your satisfaction with your connection? If you’re like most couples, the answer is rarely or never.It’s not uncommon for couples to drift off into “never-never land” in their partnerships. For example, you think your relationship is in great shape and your partner is content with the way things are. Then one day he or she says, “We have to talk. I’m unhappy in our relationship and I have been for a long time.” You feel blindsided because you did not see this coming. How could this have happened without your awareness?What we find in our practice is partners may slowly and unknowingly drift apart and become “out of touch.” It’s easy to become complacent and take your relationship for granted, especially when life gets busy. When couples aren’t actively talking about what they need from each other, and taking steps to nurture their head, heart and hormone connection, they risk losing their bond.Watch this video to learn more about How to Stay “In Touch” in Your Relationship.

Come back next week to read more secrets to love and lust for a lifetime in Secret #8!

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