3 Top Tips to Energize Your Relationship in 2015

The holidays are over; it’s time to party and ring in the New Year! We hope you have a blast.After the celebration, take a moment to pause and reflect on your connection with your partner, or any significant relationship. What are the wonderful memories you made last year? What memories do you want to make for this coming year?New Year's isn’t magic; but, it is a reminder that no matter how the past has been, today is the first day of the rest of your relationship. You can start again.These are our top three tips to energize your relationship for 2015, inspired by three inspirational quotes:1) Consciously create the relationship you want everyday.“The best way to predict the future is to create it.” - Abraham LincolnGreat relationships don’t happen by accident. They are built one day and one moment at a time. It’s not the grand gestures that nurture and grow loving connections. It’s the small everyday acts of love that matter – a lingering kiss, a compliment, a statement of gratitude, a thoughtful gesture.2) Face and embrace problems positively as a team. “Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass...It's about learning to dance in the rain.” - Vivian GreeneDifficult times happen. Your choice is how to handle them. Crises can bring couples together or tear them apart. We look at them as opportunities to build a stronger bond. If you need support in doing that, reach out for help.3) Do something new together."If you want something you've never had, then you’ve got to do something you’ve never done."- Thomas JeffersonRelationships become routine. And that is often what leads to disconnection, boredom and relational drift. It’s up to you to spice it up, try something you haven’t done before: change the environment, go away for an overnight, do something new and adventurous. The spark doesn’t happen by itself. You and your partner create the excitement.Wishing you a Happy New Year!!


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