Can Trust Develop in Long Distance Relationships?

34006258 - couple at train stationI used to think it was impossible to develop trust long distance. Bob proved me wrong. When we met in 1985, he was living on the Santa Monica beach in California and I was living in New Jersey. We met and had a few dates when he visited his family in New York. Then he flew home to California. Bob wanted to continue dating but I said "No way." I thought Long Distance Relationships (LDRs) were preposterous. Of course this was before cell phones, personal computers and the internet.Lucky for me, Bob visited the East Coast nine months later and after a few more dates convinced me to give it a shot. We had a long distance romance for almost a year. We talked on our landline phones every night, and traveled between New Jersey and California every six weeks. Here we are, 28 years later!I always said that talking to Bob long distance forced us to build communication and trust. We got to know each other and develop a friendship faster than if we had both been in the same state. There was no other choice. A recent research study at Cornell University actually validated this.Check out this article, "Research Shows How Couples Who Do Long Distance Are Different From the Rest of Us."We'd love to hear your thoughts about and experience with Long Distance Relationships (LDRs) on our Facebook page.If you need assistance with your LDR, contact us by phone (410-363-2825) or email, for help. We would be glad to coach you and your partner.Image Copyright ginasanders


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