Extraordinary Love: How Does Your Relationship Stack Up?

Extraordinary relationships don't happen by accident. Individuals who have unusually exceptional partnerships lovingly work with their partners to create a deeply intimate connection. With the divorce rate still hovering around 50% and the knowledge that not all of the other 50% are healthy, happy relationships, you can see that truly exceptional relationships are rare.From our work with couples over the past 22 years, as well as our work on our own marriage, we know what it takes to create the most loving, vital relationships. It's not always easy (we know that from our own experience), but the payoff is worth the effort.Our goal and our passion is to share what we've learned with you and help other couples understand and practice the skills it takes to have a "lifetime of love" relationship.The First StepThe first step is to take a look at your relationship in the present. We've created 12 questions that will help you see how your relationship stacks up and show you where you need to build to move towards extraordinary.You and your partner should answer these questions separately and then come together to discuss your responses.Where did the questions go?We made a commitment to our community that we would post the 12 questions for only 24 hours, and we are staying true to our word.So, on AUGUST 5th, those 12 questions, along with 36 additional questions, further insight for your journey and, of course, professional guidance to help you along the way, will be available exclusively at our brand new resource center in a Support 360° Resource called:How Close Are You to Extraordinary?Find your personal starting pointon the journey to a lifetime of love.We are especially excited about this new Support 360° Resource because we realize that knowing where you are now is always the first step in any journey of significance. And what is more significant than a journey to an extraordinary relationship?When you know your personal starting point, you’ll be able to pinpoint exactly where you need to focus next. And, if you let us in on where you are, we'll be able to guide you more effectively.So on August 5th, get ready to begin at the beginning - find your personal starting point on the journey to extraordinary.There is never any pressure to join our Radical Relationships eNewsletter list. But if you find what we share valuable and you'd like to sign up, you'll get a sneak peek at our new resource center on August 3rd, plus a special offer on one of our most relationship-enhancing resources.Click here to join our Radical Relationships list.We’d love to have you join us for the sneak peek!To your relationship,Lori and Bob Hollander


Extraordinary Relationships: The Journey to the Center of Connection


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