Going Fishing (For Dates)

Clients often tell us, "It's so hard to meet people." After we leave school, and especially into our 30s and beyond, the pool of available "fish in the sea" starts to shrink.As you might have guessed, our topic of the month is Advanced Dating, but first, you have to find people to date. So, we'll start our topic with this: Just where do you meet people?The short answer is: everywhere and anywhere.If you are creative and open your mind, there are more ways than you might think. Do you look for opportunities to connect with people you come across in your daily life? There are potential mates in the supermarket, the bookstore, even at Starbucks. Initiate conversations wherever you go - you never know who you might meet.Here are more suggestions about where to meet new people:Online Dating/Personal Ads:Match.com, eHarmony.com, PlentyofFish.com, PerfectMatch.com - Go online and Google dating sites for more resources. Don't forget Facebook.FriendsTell your friends and co-workers that you are looking to meet people and ask if they know anyone or if they would keep you in mind.ActivitiesTake a class on something you love or try a new hobby - something that attracts predominantly people of the sex you are interested in.Singles FunctionsFind activities in your community through your local paper or religious organization. Check out "speed dating" in your area.OrganizationsJoin organizations or volunteer for a cause you are passionate about. Get involved.NetworkingAttend networking events related to your profession.The bottom line is: Get out there, get involved, and keep your eyes "wide open."Where's your favorite place to "go fishing" for dates?


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