How to Live Your Relationship Deeply

“Loving is a feeling that brings both joy and pain to my heart.  Joy from being with you, being filled with an emotion so deep and tender  that no other feeling can compare. Pain from knowing that I'm so in love,  that I'm more vulnerable than I've ever been.” - John Mayer

Do you and your partner live your relationship wide or deep? Couples who “live wide” connect on the surface of the relationship like stones skipping across the ocean. When partners “live deep” they dive down way below the surface to find the treasure of intimacy. They share the greatest joys and the deepest sorrows.Living your relationship deeply means consciously communicating, nurturing the connection and appreciating your partnership.Watch this video to hear Lori & Bob talk about how to live your relationship deeply. We would love to hear your thoughts about loving deeply in your relationship on our Facebook page.To Your Relationship,Lori and Bob Hollander


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