Is Monogamy Real or Just an Ideal?

“…the day my husband told me about his affairs has become very important for us, in many ways more important than our wedding anniversary. While it was a day that turned my world upside down, it's one that we still celebrate today, after all these years. It's not the day itself we're celebrating; rather, it was the honesty that began that day. It resulted in our making a commitment to be honest about all important issues affecting our relationship. When I think how far we've come, I know there's hope for others in gaining a new understanding of affairs—and surviving them.” - Peggy VaughanOn our wedding day, Bob and I, like all couples, assumed our marriage would be monogamous; after all that was part of the promise, the vow, the commitment that we made to each other on that sacred day.Unlike many couples we spent a lot of time talking about the value of monogamy and the pain of affairs. I grew up in a family where my father’s affairs devastated my mother, siblings and me, age 13. The wounds I experienced during my adolescence from watching the destruction of my family took years to heal. Before Bob and I married, I shared that history with him. It turns out that having deeply discussed this hurt was actually a protective factor for our marriage and family. It should be an issue every couple discusses.During a lifetime with any partner, there will no doubt be times where we experience attractions to others and temptation to cross the marital boundary. Given the right opportunity, some of us will act upon those feelings. Experts agree that no couple is immune to being touched by an affair.Peggy Vaughan, author of The Monogamy Myth, wrote extensively about how to prevent, cope with and recover from affairs:“The Monogamy Myth is the belief that monogamy is the norm in our society and that it is supported by society as a whole. The effect of believing that most marriages or committed relationships are monogamous is that if an affair happens, it's seen strictly as a personal failure of the people involved. This leads to personal blame, personal shame, wounded pride, and almost universal feelings of devastation.The reality is that monogamy is not the norm, not by today's standards, anyway. Conservative estimates are that 60 percent of men and 40 percent of women will have an extramarital affair…With this many marriages affected, it's unreasonable to think affairs are due only to the failures and shortcomings of individual husbands or wives.”Peggy also provides hope for the future of monogamy:“The best hope for monogamy lies in rejecting the idea that a couple can assume monogamy without discussing the issue, or that they can assure monogamy by making threats as to what they would do if it happened…The hope for monogamy lies in making a conscious choice that specifically involves a commitment to honesty. In making this choice, both partners realize that attractions to others are likely, indeed inevitable, no matter how much they love each other. So they engage in ongoing honest communication about the reality of the temptations and how to avoid the consequences of acting on those temptations. The effect on the relationship is to create a sense of closeness and a knowledge of each other that replaces suspicion with trust, making it more likely that it will be monogamous.”As a therapist who works with many couples desiring to recover from or prevent an affair, Peggy has been one of my greatest inspirations and teachers. Sadly, I learned today from her husband James that she passed away last week after a three year battle with cancer. As part of her legacy Peggy has left all of her work on her website for free (except a couple of her books still in print that she didn’t hold the rights to.) Please visit her website at and check out the plethora of resources.By sharing themselves so openly in all their work, Peggy and James Vaughan have given us hope for monogamy and hope for recovery after an affair. Thank you James and thank you, Peggy, for all that you have given to the world. Your contribution has and will continue to make this world a better place for couples and families. Your memory will live on through the many people and therapists who will learn from your work. It was a blessing to know you.An honest, authentic, intimate relationship can prevent or heal an affair. With many registering late, we wanted to give you another chance to join us in our TeleClass. We'll be discussing this topic and many other that will support your relationship.

4 week teleclass for individuals and couples

You will learn practical skills:

  • How to communicate authentically
  • How to resolve conflict without blame
  • How to deepen your emotional and sexual connection

You will receive:

  • 5 hours of training from Lori & Bob
  • Recordings of each call in case you miss one or want to listen again
  • Three workbooks and two audios from our store

Mondays 8:00-9:15pm EST - ***November 12th, 19th, 26th, December 3rd

***Since you will have missed the first class, we will send you the recording and you can catch up and fully participate in the 3 live classes remaining.***

Click here for more information and to sign up:

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