Know the Warning Signs of an Affair

"Because I've been on the receiving end of infidelity, I know how much it hurts." ~ Rachel Hunter

Here are some of the realistic warning signs of an affair that should raise suspicion:


Your partner starts spending less time with you, begins working nights, or attending weekend meetings. He increasingly starts to go places outside his norm, making excuses to leave for blocks of time.


You find your partner on the computer and when you walk in the room he clicks on the screen so you can't see what he is looking at. You notice for the first time there is a lock on his cell phone or a password needed to get onto his computer. Phone calls are taken outside of your earshot.


She starts working out at the gym; she loses 15 lbs and starts buying new clothes. She suddenly pays more attention to grooming: a new haircut, a new style, new perfume. Appearance becomes very important.


He grabs the charge card bill before you come home so you won't see what he paid for dinner and drinks; you find receipts for hotels, flowers or gifts that weren't for you.


She may push you away, create distance, start fights. Or become overly attentive. She stops saying "I love you" and avoids genuine affection. She doesn't look you in the eye. Sexual desire may decrease or increase.

If you notice these signs, don't ignore them. Seek the help of an experienced relationship counselor. If an affair is on the horizon, or has begun, it is better to confront it sooner than later.

Your relationship deserves the highest level of support. Relationship Experts, Bob and Lori Hollander are committed to helping individuals and couples build connection and deepen bonds in a world that often makes it difficult.

Call them at 410-363-2825 or email them today,


5 Truths Every Married Person Needs to Know About Affairs


Don't Fall Down the Slippery Slope of an Affair