Map Your Personal Journey to Extraordinary: The Journey Back Home (Part IV of IV)

Extraordinary Relationships: Three Components iconThe last three weeks we have journeyed down Extraordinary Relationship Lane and made three stops: the city of Conscious & Active Co-Creation, the city of Courageous Awareness & Compassionate Understanding of Self & Partner and the city of Vital Connection in Head, Heart and Hormones. Now it's time to pack up all the knowledge you acquired on this trip and journey back home, so you can get to work on moving toward an extraordinary relationship.But first, you must figure out where to start. And, often, getting started is the biggest hurdle. When we work with couples in person, we are able to see which components need work and set those couples on the right path. However, we only see a small fraction of you in person! This is exactly why we created our FREE assessment tool: How Close Are You to Extraordinary?In this free download, you’ll find 48 questions that will give you immediate feedback about where your relationship is today and where you need to focus for a more connected tomorrow - your Personal Starting Point.You can use the tool with or without your partner and then follow our recommendations for the Relationships Work’s resources that will give you the most transformative results.A little nervous about what you might discover?You’re not alone. Even if you suspect the outcome will be good, it can be scary to share your relationship concerns with your partner. How Close Are You to Extraordinary? helps you overcome that obstacle by giving you an easy way to start a conversation; plus, non-threatening ways to work on the issues you need to, essentially by learning together.We hope you'll take advantage of this free tool. We know from our own experience as a couple, and from supporting countless men and women in achieving an extraordinary partnership, that the best place to start is where you are now.To your relationship,Lori and Bob Hollander


Your Personal Journey to Extraordinary: Don't Forget Your Provisions


From Dialogue - to Monologue - to Soliloquy