Map Your Personal Journey to Extraordinary: The Third Step (Part III of IV)

Extraordinary Relationships: Three Components - Vitally Connected iconThe last two weeks we have journeyed down Extraordinary Relationship Lane with our first stop at the city of Conscious & Active Co-Creation and our second stop at the city of Courageous Awareness & Compassionate Understanding of Self & Partner.This week, we are back on the road and make our third stop at the city of Vital Connection in Head, Heart and Hormones. The same stream of life that runs through my veins night and day runs through the world and dances in rhythmic measures.It is the same life that shoots in joy through the dust of the earth in numberless blades of grass and breaks into tumultuous waves of leaves and flowers.It is the same life that is rocked in the ocean-cradle of birth and of death, in ebb and in flow.I feel my limbs are made glorious by the touch of this world of life. And my pride is from the life-throb of ages dancing in my blood this moment. - Rabindranath TagoreVital Connection is the sharing of the "stream of life" that Tagore refers to above. It is where a couple unites at the most fundamental and primordial level; the integration of two souls intimately connected in Head, Heart & Hormones, i.e. cognitively, emotionally and sexually. It is the force in nature that makes the flowers and the trees bend toward the sun, the biological energy within nature and within us all, without which we would have not survived.We are physiologically, biologically and psychologically impelled to connect with others in a fashion where we need to give and to receive: to live in a way that preserves our species and ourselves. It is the lifeline to our very being, and the point where the balance between self and other is refined.The Vital Connection is where partners become believers, where passion and compassion are most alive, where you find yourself most fully and, at the same time, sacrifice and give it up for your soul mate, throwing caution to the wind, doing for the other as you would do for yourself. For this moment, allowing your self to die for the unity of the one.Practically speaking, Head refers to our thinking, reasoning, and evaluating; it’s the part that observes and analyzes the experiences you have in your relationship and allows you to engage in dialogue about them. It was there when you met, but your Hormones and Heart most likely led the way. In a long-term relationship, it is your anchor and also your oar to navigate the Heart and Hormones in the relationship.Heart is the emotional part that lets us love, share, listen, be vulnerable, empathize, and feel anger, hurt and pain, as well as joy, happiness and passion. This is where deep feelings can be engaged, positively and negatively. Heart is the motivator to work on the relationship and it keeps couples bonded when times are tough.Hormones are the physical and chemical responses that occur when we are sexually attracted to another. Often in long-term relationships, erotic intimacy consciously or unconsciously moves to the back burner and the relationship becomes one of roommates.In an extraordinary relationship, couples are aware of, and work at, a balance of Head, Heart & Hormones to keep intellectually, emotionally and sexually connected. When couples are not nurturing all three areas, the relationship may falter. Though there will be times when the elements are unsteady, an extraordinary couple will recognize this and work on moving back towards balance.So, on this third stop review the balance between Head, Heart & Hormones in your partnership and see which one(s) you need to attend to.To your relationship,Lori and Bob HollanderTest the strength of your romantic connection: Check out our Head, Heart & Hormones eWorksheetAnswer just three sets of questions and get immediate feedback about the strength and balance of the connection in your relationship. Compare answers with your partner and see if you’re both on the same page. This unique resource will show you exactly where you need to put your energy.Want to Pinpoint Exactly Where to Start? Our How Close Are You to Extraordinary? assessment tool will help you map your journey to a more connected partnership, and it's absolutely FREE to you. Click here to order your copy now.


From Dialogue - to Monologue - to Soliloquy


Map Your Personal Journey to Extraordinary: The Second Step (Part II of IV)