Resolutions to Rock Your Relationship in 2013

The New Year is a reminder that we can start again. We start new goals, start anew, resolve to do better, and to change. Though most people think in terms of setting goals to lose weight or quit smoking or to make more money, we think it is a great time to focus on recommitting to your relationship.Here are our top ten relationship resolutions for couples to do more of in 2013:

    1. Celebrate together. Take time to recognize your achievements, big or small; or have an “un-celebration,” just because.
    2. Sweat together. Exercise as a team and encourage each other to get and stay fit.
    3. Talk together. Communicate more often and have deeper, more meaningful conversation.
    4. Play together. Have more fun. Create a bucket list of things you would enjoy doing and knock them off, one at a time.
    5. Date together. Go on regular dates and try things you haven’t done before, new restaurants, new activities.
    6. Love together. Make love more often and in more creative ways.
    7. Eat together. Have meals together instead of on the run. Cook as a team and try new recipes.
    8. Sleep together. Go to bed at the same time and snuggle every night.
    9. Work together. Do projects around the house together. Volunteer for a meaningful cause that you both appreciate.
    10. Travel together. Plan more trips - a few short weekends away is better than one long vacation once a year, and it gives you something to look forward to.

Don’t fall into the trap of taking your relationship for granted. Make your relationship rock this New Year.We are so grateful to have you as part of our Relationships Work community and wish you and your family a warm and delightful New Year!!We would love to hear about what you resolve to do for the New Year on our Facebook page.To Your Relationship,Lori and Bob Hollanderwww.RelationshipsWork.comSign up for our monthly eNewsletter, Radical Relationships, to receive more tips and articles from us about relationships.


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