So You Think You Can Connect

You’ve been selected to come to Los Angeles, CA to compete on the new hit reality show: So You Think You Can Connect. You and your partner and four other couples live together in a mansion for six weeks and compete to see who can deepen their relationship connection the most.Couples are given connecting tasks and challenges to do each week and people at home vote for their favorite. Between the weekly shows, you learn new connecting skills and practice. At the conclusion of the series, one couple wins the grand prize; yet all the contestants in the show have not only vastly improved their connection, but will profit handsomely in the future from having learned new habits, taken on the challenges and seen the benefit of focused attention.Ask yourself these questions:

  • Would you and your partner win?
  • How much focus and effort would you put into improving your connection?
  • Would you “believe” in your relationship – that you could win?
  • What risks would you be willing to take to have a chance at the grand prize?

Back from Los Angeles: In our day to day lives, most of us probably don’t stop and think about how connected we are to our partner, let alone make a conscious effort to practice skills that will deepen our connection. And yet, this is the very key that will enhance any connection – focus, practice, take risks and embrace the challenge.Are you missing the grand prize of Deep Connection for a Lifetime?Here’s what you can do to “win” –Set aside time with your partner to focus on your connection and discuss the following questions:

  1. On a scale from 0 - 100 (with zero being the worst and 100 being the best), how connected do you feel?
  2. What positives and negatives have contributed to your score?
  3. What will you do to raise your number?

Remember, if you want a deeper connection, do connecting things.Is the connection with your partner as strong as it could be?Do you make deepening that connection a priority?


Is Your Relationship Ordinary, Good or Extraordinary?


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