Taking Your Relationship to Extraordinary in 2010: Part I – Deepen Your Emotional Intimacy

Did you resolve this New Year to take your relationship to the next level?(If you didn’t, it's not too late.)Our January Relationship Recharge posts focus on the four critical areas needed to achieve extraordinary: Emotional Intimacy, Money Matters, Authentic Communication, and Erotic Connection.Part I: Deepen Your Emotional IntimacyConnecting emotionally with a partner is the foundation of a healthy relationship. It is the glue that bonds a couple together when times are tough."It's easy to have a good relationship when times are good; the true test of a relationship is when times are difficult."Emotional intimacy is created when a couple relates on a deep feeling level, in the sense of knowing each other, loving each other and supporting each other.KnowingDo you "know" each other, not just know about each other, but know how the other thinks and feels? Have you each shared your hopes and dreams, your fears and vulnerabilities, your childhood memories, your deep secrets, your deepest pain? Do you confide in each other?LovingDo you love your partner the way he wants to receive love and does he do the same for you? Do you communicate about your love needs? Do you have a sense of belonging and feel emotionally attached?SupportingAre you there for each other when times are tough? Will you put your needs aside when your partner has a crisis? Do you both persevere through conflict and embrace your differences? Have you shared the kinds of support you need from each other?These are some of the experts that we believe can support you in creating a deep and more intimate emotional connection:Hold Me Tight, Seven Conversations for Lifetime of LoveSue JohnsonThe Seven Principles for Making Marriage WorkJohn Gottman and Nan SilverThe Relationship Cure: A 5 Step Guide to Strengthening Your Marriage, Family, and FriendshipsJohn GottmanThe Five Love Languages: How to Express Heartfelt Commitment to Your MateGary ChapmanSome of our couples read a chapter at a time to each other – a great way to spend quality time together and connect what you are learning to your own relationship.Do you feel emotionally connected to your partner?


Taking Your Relationship to Extraordinary in 2010: Part II – Money Matters


Resolve to Take Your Relationship to Extraordinary in 2010