What Is the Best Valentine Gift of All?

It’s that time again - Valentines Day. The one day of the year when it’s vital for most of us to get the gift right. After all, it’s a gift of love that celebrates the deep connection upon which our relationships are built.We thought it would be helpful to share our thoughts about how to make this Valentine’s Day the greatest one ever. First ask yourself, “How does my beloved like to receive love?”One of the core tenets we share with our couples is:

Love your partner the way he/she wants to receive love(which may not be the way you prefer to give it).

Gary Chapman, author of The 5 Love Languages, describes five different ways people give and receive love: Words of Affirmation, Quality Time, Gifts, Acts of Service, and Physical Touch. In his work with couples, Chapman observed what made one person feel loved did not necessarily make the other feel loved. Helping couples discover each other’s love language dramatically improved their relationships.Which of the love languages ranks highest on your beloved’s list? That’s the one to aim for. Of course, you may use more than one. Here are some ideas to get you started:Words of Affirmation - Use words to express your love.Love letters are a gift that your partner can keep forever, and read over and over. They are the gift that keeps on giving. Describe what you love about him/her. Write about the qualities that make your partner unique. Recall special times you’ve shared. Express how your loved one has made your life richer.Quality Time - Provide your undivided attention.Spend Valentines Day together. Do something fun, a special activity your partner would enjoy - go ice skating or skiing; see a movie about love; go to a dance club; get dressed up for a nice dinner; share a wine and paint event; plan a weekend away at a romantic bed and breakfast and arrange babysitting for the kids.Gifts - Give thoughtful presents.If you know what his/her taste is, go ahead and pick out a gift - jewelry; a watch; a framed picture of the two of you; perfume; clothes. If not, how about a day to shop together so your loved one can select the greatest gift and you can enjoy buying it together - a trip to Victoria’s Secret would be fun.Acts of Service - Do something for him/her.Think of the many tasks your partner does. Create a booklet of coupons for your love, good for: cooking dinner, breakfast in bed, washing dishes, doing the food shopping, cleaning the house, walking the dog. Take chores off his/her list.Physical Touch - Hug, kiss, hold hands, cuddle, have sex.For some, physical intimacy is the deepest form of connection. If this is your partner, light candles and give him/her a massage, watch a love movie and cuddle up, plan a night at a romantic hotel or go see The Fifty Shades of Grey opening on Valentines Day at theaters nationwide.Hopefully we sparked some of your creative juices so you can make this the best Valentines Day ever.


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