Building Walls in Your Relationship

Sometimes it is the person closest to us who must travel the furthest distance to be our friend. ~Robert Brault

  • My partner doesn’t listen so I have given up trying.
  • Every time I ask my husband to talk, he rolls his eyes.
  • I stopped asking my wife to make love because she usually turns me down.

These are three of the most common comments we hear from couples who come to us for counseling. When roadblocks to communication and connection such as these become chronic, a partner will withdraw and shut down; frustration eventually turns to hopelessness, despair and distance.In order for partners to protect themselves from the sadness and pain of not being able to "get through" to the person they love, they unconsciously begin to build walls. They build a castle with a large moat to separate emotionally and physically from their mate and pull up the drawbridge. The problem is that the castle will ultimately become their prison.Watch this video to listen as we describe building castles and prisons in relationships and what to do about them.We would love to hear your thoughts about building walls in your relationship on our Facebook page.To your relationship,Lori and Bob Hollander


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